Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Our IV Fluids and additives are sourced from licensed pharmacies in Uganda and reconstituted to make up the desired formulation.

Our IV nutrition treatments have been developed by certified medical doctors with vast clinical experience and training in IV nutrition. These formulations are also regulated by the National Drug Authority of Uganda and relevant licensing has been obtained. However, it is important to note that all medical therapies carry potential risk. Therefore, we ensure that our clients understand all the potential risks and benefits to be expected before undertaking any of the treatments. We encourage clients to refrain from receiving therapies from uncertified medical personnel.

Our IV nutrition treatments have been developed by certified medical doctors with vast
clinical experience and training in IV nutrition. These formulations are also regulated by
the National Drug Authority of Uganda and relevant licensing has been obtained. However,
it is important to note that all medical therapies carry potential risk. Therefore, we ensure
that our clients understand all the potential risks and benefits to be expected before
undertaking any of the treatments. We encourage clients to refrain from receiving
therapies from uncertified medical personnel.Our IV nutrition treatments have been developed by certified medical doctors with vast
clinical experience and training in IV nutrition. These formulations are also regulated by
the National Drug Authority of Uganda and relevant licensing has been obtained. However,
it is important to note that all medical therapies carry potential risk. Therefore, we ensure
that our clients understand all the potential risks and benefits to be expected before
undertaking any of the treatments. We encourage clients to refrain from receiving
therapies from uncertified medical personnel.

Like all medications, some side effects can be expected though carry low risk. We conduct
comprehensive medical screening for our clients (including known allergies, current
medications and medical conditions) prior to any treatments and follow stringent IV
administration protocols in order to mitigate these risks.
Potentially side effects include:
1. Skin reaction / Irritation around the injection site.
2. Bruising at the injection site
3. Headaches
4. Cramping and Bloating
5. Allergic reaction to the medication

So far we have not had any serious adverse reactions to the treatments. All nurses are
trained in advanced life support (ALS) and carry emergency drugs in case of any adverse

All the nurses that administer our IV Vitamin therapy are registered nurses with a hospital
critical care background. Revive Wellness ensures that our nurses arrive in branded
uniforms to ensure the credibility of the company and the service they are providing.

The payment is a cash service and the different modes of payment include physical cash,
Momo Pay and Airtel Money.
The service is still not available on credit.

The duration of the drip depends on the package. They range from 20 mins to 60 mins
GLOW = 60-minute infusion
REPLENISH =40-45 minute infusion
RECOVER = 40-45 minute infusion
RECOVER + = 40-45 minute infusion
HYDRATE = 40-45 minute infusion
Vitamin C = 20-minute infusion
Vitamin B12 = an Injection (Immediately)

Currently, we have only had clients in Kampala however, we hope to branch out to the rest
of the country as the demand grows.
The areas we have obtained clients are mostly located in the more affluent suburban areas
of Central, Nakawa and Makindye divisions of Kampala.

At this time, this is a service that is operated independently. However, we are looking to
expand when the traction grows to the services as this will allow room to explore adding
the therapies to Medical Insurance.

The nurses have yet to try the treatments however are witness to the benefits and
effectiveness of the treatments as they are the ones who work on the clients.

All our medication is regulated, authenticated and authorised by the Uganda National Drug
Authority (NDA). IV Vitamin and mineral replacement is a widely accepted and commonly
used treatment.
All the healthcare professionals are registered with the national health regulatory bodies;
Uganda Medical and Dental Practitioners Council (UMDPC) and Uganda Nurses and
Midwives Council (UNMC) with currently active practising licenses.

ALS stands for Advanced Life Support Certified. It is a set of life-saving protocols and
skills that extend beyond Basic Life Support (BLS). It provides urgent treatment for
cardiac emergencies and other conditions such as allergic reactions or anaphylaxis. In
the unlikely event that a client develops critical complications, the nurse knows how to
handle the situation before more help arrives.

Before all treatment, clients must complete a medical questionnaire that is screened by our
Medical Doctors before the appointment. Most clients are eligible for treatment; however,
this is to ensure the utmost safety for the client. The Questions asked include a brief
medical history l any medications the client is currently taking and any known allergies.
In some cases, the doctors may have to turn people away, not because the therapies won’t
be of benefit, but because the client might need more thorough investigations and
monitoring elsewhere. The client may also have a medical condition or a drug-related
interaction, inhibiting them from receiving this service.

GLOW= Once a month
REPLENISH= Once a month
RECOVER, RECOVER+ and HYDRATE can be as frequent as once a week.
VITAMIN C = Once a month
VITAMIN B12= Once a month